Saturday 23 July 2016


We are serving a listening God and I believe He has heard all our prayers. That is why I want you to be confident like David as he said in Psalm 138:8 that the Lord will perfect that which concerns him.
God did perfect all that concerned David and He will also perfect that which concerns you too in Jesus name.

He is a covenant keeping God, He kept His covenant in the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David, He will also keep all His covenant for your life in Jesus name. Number 23:19. The faith and confidence of David were so strong in God.

He knew God was fully in charge of his life and that God will not disappoint him. Our confidence should not be in man, or what we are nor what we have done, but entirely on what the Lord will do Phil 3:3.

Being confident of this, he that has begun a good work in you will perform it. Phil 1:6. Joseph put all his confidence in God, and God perfected all that concerned Joseph. He will perfect all that concerns you too in Jesus name.

When David said the Lord will perfect all that concerns him, he meant that the Lord  will fulfill His purpose for our life. David was also referring to God’s plan’s for his life as He said in Jer 29:11.

It is interesting to note that no matter what we are going through, challenges, opposition, affliction and pains; God has committed Himself to fulfilling His purposes for us. God will never abandon the work of His hand. He is not a man that He should lie neither the son of man to repent. He will definitely bring his purpose to perfection.

However, this confidence should not be out of righteousness but of the mercy of God. David went through many challenges in his life some of which were based on his wrong doing but he dependent absolutely on the mercies of God.

All the time he pleaded for the mercies of God and not for a right or privilege and I am praying that God will be merciful on you too. God is merciful on us because He loves us. Eph 2:4. Psalm 116:5, 2 Cor 1:3, Heb 4:16.

However, for us to receive the mercy of God so that He can perfect all that concerns us, we must be merciful unto others as well as fear and honor God. Matt 5:7, Psalm 103:11, Exodus 33:19.

Throughout this month, let us keep asking for the mercies of God so that He can perfect all that concerns us and He will have mercies on us in Jesus name.

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1

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