Saturday 23 July 2016

JESUS IS LORD:GOD’S WAYS - From The Upper Room daily devotional

Many plans are in a person’s mind, but the LORD’S purpose will succeed.

- Proverbs 19:21 (CEB)
As I waited for the sales clerk to find my order form, I felt frustrated that my day was slipping away. I still had many tasks to complete within a limited time. A little voice within me said, “Why don’t you pray for the people around you?” I stopped glancing at my watch and noticed the nearby shoppers.

Some seemed stressed; others were anxious or frustrated. I started praying for the people who passed by and smiled at those who looked my way. Finally, the sales clerk returned, apologetic that she couldn’t find my order. “That’s OK,” I said. Instead of feeling frustrated or stressed, I felt peaceful, assured that I had used my time in the way God wanted. In order to do that, I had to relinquish my own agenda. Later in the day, I completed my to-do list without the slightest stress or hurry.

Now, when I wait, whether for a traffic light to change or for family members to get ready, I can relax and pray for the people around me. I feel the joy and excitement of being ready for whatever God has in store for me.

Donna H. Eliason (Washington, USA)

Thought for the Day:

Today I will pay attention to God’s leading to pray for others.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for unexpected opportunities to connect with you. May we never be too busy to listen and follow. Amen.

Prayer Focus: STORE CLERKS

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