Thursday 26 May 2016

KUWTK: Kendall Jenner Says She is a Psychic - Find out why.

Basically, your intuition is that “gut feeling” that you know what’s best for yourself and how to stay safe from a threat — whether it’s an untrustworthy friend or a dangerous party. If something’s off, you can usually hear your intuition screaming, “Stop!” 

This happens long before your mind is able to process what’s actually going on around you. And the best part? We all have this deeply rooted sense of sound judgment.

If you can’t always hear that inner voice whispering what to do, that’s totally normal. Ivankovich says that even though everyone is intuitive, “your life experiences limit your ability” to be in better touch with those instincts at all times. “We have been taught to rationalize everything,” she says, some of which is good. No one’s first impression is always right.

But today, when we don’t have firm reasons to stay away from someone or something, we tend to simply ignore our initial feelings.
“People have a hard time relying on the fact that instinctual perceptions should be considered,” Ivankovich says. “It doesn't sound like enough to simply say, ‘I’m behaving this way because I think so,’ or, ‘Just because.’” Really, it is.

Your “gut” feeling should play a key role in your decision-making, or at least act as a “proceed with caution” sign. “Remember that your power of intuition is intended to protect you at times when you can’t think fast enough to protect yourself,” Ivankovich says.
Kendall Jenner and Sister Kylie Jenner
That is why you feel it so quickly. Sadly, though, the longer you’re around someone or in a certain situation, the more you rationalize what’s happening and flood out that initial impression.

Your intuition’s protective powers are strong, so don’t ignore it! Listen first, rationalize as you gather evidence that you’re making a smart decision. Kendall says she relies on intuition most with people, until a person has earned her trust. “Once you’re in my inner circle, I'm extremely loyal and open,” she explains.

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