Sunday 2 October 2016

Hillary Clinton offends 'basement-dwelling' millennials in newly leaked recording

Hillary Clinton dismissed millennials as “children of the Great Recession” who are “living in their parents' basement,” according to a taped speech that recently came to light.

She also derided them for naively falling for rival Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “false promises” — including his free-college pledge that she has since adopted as her own.

Sanders fans and Trump supporters seized on the comments Saturday as the hashtag #BasementDwellers trended on Twitter.

Many of them drew a parallel to the “basket of deplorables” slur that Clinton used to describe Trump voters last month.

“Scoot over #Deplorables we Bernie #BasementDwellers are going to need some room in that basket!” wrote Kcora Jaretsky.

“I can only imagine what demeaning, condescending things she said about #BasementDwellers to her rich friends in her hidden Wall St speeches,” tweeted Jonathan Isaacs.

“We might be #BasementDwellers in your eyes, but we told you #BernieOrBust was real,” wrote Dustin Templeton. “Good luck without us in November.”

The Clinton comments came from audio of her private fundraiser at the home of former Trinidad and Tobago ambassador Beatrice Welters in McLean, Va., on Feb. 16. The recording, leaked to the Washington Free Beacon website, came to light when hackers breached an email account belonging to a campaign staffer.

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