Monday 10 October 2016

Donald Trump launches ALL OUT WAR on Bill and Hillary Clinton in US Presidential debate

THE gloves come down on what will surely go down as the most bizarre Presidential debate in history.
Before the political slanging match had even started, the world was greeted by images of Donald Trump flanked by four supposed victims of Bill Clinton’s sexual appetite who were being used as human shields to deflect claims about Trump’s own questionable attitude towards the fairer sex.

After of sordid allegations made on both sides, claims including rape and sexual assault, perhaps it was unlikely to expect Trump and Clinton to shake hands at the start of the debate – they didn’t.

The debate began with discussion about a recently released recording of Donald Trump essentially admitting the sexual assault of women, including grabbing their genitals without consent.

Trump responded to the comments by denying he had ever actually acted in such a way and attempted to dismiss his remarks as simply “locker room talk”.

He added: “There's nobody worse towards women in politics than Bill Clinton and Hillary attacked those women [that Bill has allegedly assaulted].

"I have great respect for people. Look at my words. Mine were words, Bill Clinton's were actions."
"Bill Clinton was impeached, had to pay a $850,000 fine and lost his license to practice law. Hillary supported him and I think Hillary should be ashamed of herself."

Mrs Clinton responded by saying the recorded clip of Mr Trump showed “the real Donald”.

She did not mention too much about the lewd allegations, and declined to respond about her own husband’s alleged sexual misdemeanours, quoting Michelle Obama saying: “When they go low, we go higher.”

Trump then made the staggering claim that he would try to arrest Hillary if he became President for her email scandal whereby she deleted around 33,000 personal emails, some of which contained information sensitive to national security.

The two differed about how to handle America’s health service, with Trump saying he would completely scrap Obamacare compared to Hillary’s assertions that she would simply tweak it.

Trump slammed Clinton for her policy towards ISIS, saying she was wrong to give advance warnings of attacks in Middle Eastern towns.

The Apprentice USA star raised eyebrows by claiming to agree with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russia’s Vladimir Putin on how to tackle Islamic State, a comment that does not reflect the traditional views of the Republican Party as a whole.

Clinton had to face being repeatedly interrupted by Trump, who looked to disrupt the Democrat’s flow at every opportunity.

He also took aim at the moderators, Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper, for repeatedly appearing to come down harder on Trump for going over his allotted two minute response time limit than Clinton.

The fiery, bad tempered and at times borderline slanderous debate culminated in a very strange way – an audience member asked both candidates to say what they thought their opponent’s best characteristic is.

Clinton praised Trump’s children, saying they were “incredibly able and devoted, which is a reflection of Donald”.

Trump responded by saying Hillary “never gives up” and is “a fighter”, declaring his “respect” for those traits.

Early indications appear to have Trump marginally in front after the debate, with 51 per cent of Fox viewers saying trump won the clash. readers had trump 80 per cent in front.

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