Thursday 21 July 2016

Muslim Extremists threatens to intensify attacks against France

Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have threatened to intensify attacks against France following the Bastille Day events

Isil-run media outlets Wilayat al-Furat and Wilayat Nineveh have each issued a propaganda video calling for more attacks to be carried out in France after the Nice events on July 14 in which at least 84 people were killed when a man ploughed a lorry into crowds at a Bastille Day celebration.

In one of the videos a French speaking Isil fighter describes the Nice events, for which Isil claimed responsibility on July 16, and how the attack was carried out by an “inspired Muslim,” identified as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.

He then calls on others to follow the Bouhlel’s example and hit France, “whose air force continues to kill innocent Muslims in Iraq and Syria.”

France is part of the US-led coalition conducting airstrikes against Isil in Syria and Iraq.

The video also features a quote from Isil spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, in which he calls for Muslims to carry out lone wolf attacks against the West during what is known as the “Die in Your Rage” speech.

In the 2014 speech Adnani urged Muslims to “kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French,” using “any manner” they could find.

In a second video, released by Wilayat Nineveh, two French-speaking Isil fighters address France’s president Francois Hollande and threaten to “intensify” the attacks in the country.

They also claim the Nice attacks are proof of the terrorist organisation’s capabilities before proceeding to behead two men who they claim are Iraqi Shiite soldiers that were captured in recent operations in Nineveh Province.

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