Friday 27 May 2016

UFC fighter - Ronda Rousey Full S**x Tape Porn Video Leaked - Its a must watch.

Best known for being a complete bad ass in the UFC Ronda Rousey has dated some real scrubs in her time and one of them that she merely labels “Snappers McCreepy” is shopping nude pictures and full sex tape porn video of Rousey from when they dated. We are reporting this info but ask Ronda to please have mercy on us this is just what we do and please do not kick our asses, we are on your side and love you very much. LOL

According to reports the ex-boyfriend we are talking about was/is a big perv according to Ronda. She said that at one point she got on his computer looking up some stuff on Amazon but then browsed to a folder that had a ton of nude photos. She knew immediately they were all pictures of her naked and “there was a ton of them”. “Supposedly the dude took a ton of pictures of me when I was not looking from walking around the house to when we had sex.”

This was straight from Ronda’s mouth however we are not sure why the mixed martial arts aka MMA ass kicker did not whoop his ass right then and there. Now the un-known scumbag as she puts it is saying that he also has videos that he took when they had sex and she was not watching.

I took some video of Ronda when we did the doggy style position and I also had set up some cameras in the room to catch our entire sessions at times and she knew damn well that I had took them.

Ronda Rousey did in fact know that he had all this explicit content as she did the ESPN nude photo shoot stating publicly: “I did the nude photo shoot for ESPN because I know that ass hole had all those images of me and I wanted to show my body on my terms.” Well at least she admits when she f**ks up.

[UPDATE] – Ronda has not been in the dark when it comes to sex scandals from the nude pictures to the now rumors that she was having a heated affair with UFC fighter Travis Browne.

[UPDATE] – More footage was leaked of what is said to be Ronda having sex with professional wrestler according to CJ and the video run time is 23min long. The lighting is said to not be the best and overall video quality is medium at best. We have seen this other video and can not verify the authenticity of it due to poor lighting. So this will be one video that we will let you all decide for yourselves.

Click Link to watch whole clip

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